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Autumn 8 Software Manual: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices for the Software

U 132T Accounting I 3 cr. Offeredautumn and spring. Basic double-entryaccounting. Emphasis on analyzing,journalizing, and posting transactions;trial balance, worksheet, financialstatements, and adjusting/closingprocedures, accounting systems, andcash control.

U 133T Accounting II 4 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq.,ACC 132T. Expansion of ACC 132Tincluding receivables, inventories, plantand intangible assets, and expandedliabilities. Includes partnerships,corporations, long-term liabilities,investments in stocks and bonds, and thestatement of cash flow.

Autumn 8 Software Manual

U 134T Payroll Topics 2 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq.,ACC 132T. Comprehensive payrollcourse including preparation ofpaychecks, completing deposits andpayroll tax returns, identification ofindependent contractors, andintroduction to state and federal payrolllaw. Introduction to Montana'sDepartment of Labor and Industry,Unemployment Insurance Division, anState Compensation Insurance Fund isincluded.

U 230T Computerized AccountingSystems 3 cr. Offered autumn andspring. Prereq., ACC 132T and SEC107T. Hands-on experience using amicrocomputer for accountingapplications. Areas covered includegeneral ledger, accounts receivable,accounts payable, and payroll. Use ofPeachtree Complete Accountingsoftware.

U 234T Accounting III 4 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., ACC 133T.Conclusion of basic accountingsequence including concepts andprinciples, financial statement analysis,and managerial accounting.

U 236T Income Tax 3 cr. Offeredautumn. Prereq., ACC 133T. Anintroduction to taxation concepts andterminology, basic tax returns preparedfor individuals, sole proprietors, andpartnerships on tax software andmanually.

U 238T Accounting Internship 2cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq.,consent of instr. On-the-job training inpositions related to the accounting field. This experience increases students' skills, prepares them for initial employment,and increases occupational awarenessand professionalism. Students work aminimum of six hours each week at anapproved site and attend a weeklyone-hour seminar.

U 120T Electricity I 3 cr. Offeredautumn. The electrical laws andprinciples pertaining to DC and ACcircuits. Includes current, voltage,resistance, power, inductance,capacitance, and transformers. Introduction to wiring methods andmaterials in conformance with theNational Electric Code (NEC). Includesinstallation and replacement of lightfixtures, heaters, GFCIs, switches,receptacles, and electrical thermostats.

U 124T Construction Basics I 4cr. Offered autumn. Application ofplumbing, masonry, roofing, andflooring principles and the identificationand safe uses of associated tools andmaterials.

U 126T Ancillary Services 4 cr. Offered autumn. Maintenance principlespertaining to lawns, ground covers, trees,swimming pools, and building cleaning. Emphasis is placed on safe applicationof chemicals and maintenancefrequency.

U 221T Blueprint Reading 2 cr. Offered autumn. The fundamentalworking drawings used in the trades andcrafts. Emphasizes recognition ofvarious types of drawings and thedevelopment of interpretation skills. Introduction to drafting equipment,lettering techniques, sketching, basicdimensioning, scale reading, andgeometric construction.

U 222T Building Construction 3cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., BME125T. The design and construction offoundation, floor, wall, ceiling, and roofsystems. Includes platform and balloonframing, headers, joists, studs, rafters,sheathing, trusses, and roof types. Includes an overview of UniformBuilding Code.

U 223T Basic Motors andControls 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., BME121T and BME 129T. A survey of thevarious types of motors and protectivedevices. Included are single-phasecapacitor start, capacitor start and run,shaded-pole tap-wound, permanentsplit-capacitor, and three-phase motors. Emphasis is placed on motor controlproblems and protective devices.

U 227T HVAC Control Systems 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., SCN117T and BME 129T. Introduction tobimetallic, bourdon tube, remote bulb,CAB, thermocouple, thermistor, andthermopile measuring devices. Temperature and pressure control devices arerelated to the operation of heating,ventilating, and air conditioningequipment. Two-position andproportional pneumatic control systemsare presented, as well as pneumatictransmission. Computerizedmanagement systems for energyconservation are discussed.

U 103S Principles of Business 3cr. Offered autumn and spring. Introduction to the world of business. Examines capitalism, the economicenvironment, the types of businessorganizations, management, marketing,production, labor, financing, andbusiness/ governmental relations. Creditnot allowed for BUS 103S and Mgmt100S.

U 107T Fashion and Design 3 cr. Offered autumn. A comprehensive lookinto the fashion world's history andtrends, insight into the industry's past,and present designers and their influenceon fashion today. Includes anintroduction to fashion design, fashiondrawing, wardrobing, color analysis, andfashion trend research.

U 112T Professional Sales 2 cr. Offered autumn. Includes the steps inopening, presenting, demonstrating,handling objections, and closing the sale.Students gain expertise throughrole-playing activities and writtenpresentations.

U 125T Principles of Marketing 3 cr. Offered autumn. An overview ofmarketing activities including theconsumer buying decision process,distribution channels, the planningprocess, and new marketing trends. Students learn how to introduce a newproduct into the marketplace, target markets, and promote products throughadvertising and package design.

U 179T Textiles 2 cr. Offeredautumn. A study of the textile industryand its operation, the production offibers from raw materials to finishedproducts, fiber and fabric identification,the care of fabrics, garment construction,and consumer laws relevant to the textileindustry.

U 243T Psychology ofManagement and Supervision 4 cr. Offered autumn. Management theory,research, and the practice of management. Topics covered includeleadership styles and techniques,effective communication approaches,time management, decision making,delegation, and the basic functions ofsupervisory skills.

U 245T Business Economics 3 cr. Offered autumn. Microeconomicprinciples of resource allocation andincome distribution with emphasis onprice and output determination,production costs, market structures, andinternational economics. Application ofeconomic reasoning to such issues asmarket failure, taxation, antitrust andregulation, agriculture, incomeinequality, unionism, and discrimination.

U 299T Management Internship 2cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq.,consent of instr. On-the-job training inpositions related to each student's careergoal in management. This experienceincreases students' skills, prepares themfor initial employment, and increasesoccupational awareness. Students work aminimum of six hours each week at anapproved site and attend a weeklyone-hour seminar.

U 055T Critical Writing Skills 3cr. Offered autumn and spring. Development of basic writing conceptswith introductory instruction ingrammar, sentence construction, andparagraph development. Specialemphasis is placed on understandingverbs and their place within writtenexpression. Writing exercises includeparagraph as well as essay development. Credit does not count toward acertificate or degree.

U 111T Business Communications 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Emphasizes the language principles mostapplicable in the business world. Rulesand conventions that enhance or impaircommunications between people arehighlighted. Practice material isprovided to help students apply the rules. Students develop communication skillsand use basic writing principles increating correspondence. Students arerequired to type assigned letters andmemos.

U 115T Technical Writing 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Anintroduction to technical writing withemphasis on clarity and conciseness. Sentence, paragraph, and reportorganization are stressed; grammar andmechanics are reviewed. Short writingassignments and a technical report arecritiqued for application of technicalstyle, organization, and correct grammarand mechanics.

U 145T English Composition 3 cr. Offered autumn. Fundamentals ofeffective expression with emphasis onthe various forms of expository writing,on logical and imaginative thinking, andon reading for understanding. Includessentence structure, diction, organizationof short essays, and correct usage ofstandard English.

U 160A Oral Communications 3cr. Offered autumn and spring. Introduction to oral communication skills, including public speaking,interviewing, and small groupcommunications. Focus is on theorganization, delivery, and retention oforal messages, listening skilldevelopment, and nonverbalcommunication. Credit not allowed forboth COM 160A and COMM 111A.

U 101 Introduction to Computers 2 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Introduction to computer terminology,hardware, and software. Includes basicmicrocomputing applications (wordprocessing, spreadsheets, database)commonly used in business and industry. Keyboarding is included. Internet ande-mail are introduced. Credit not allowedfor both CRT 101 and CS 111.

U 110T Data Entry 3 cr. Prereq.,touch-typing skills. Responsibilities andduties of data entry operators in a dataprocessing installation. Includespractice using two application softwarepackages. Minimum course requirements include the completion of avariety of projects and entering data at aminimum rate of 8,000 keystrokes perhour with 98% accuracy. 2ff7e9595c

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